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Weirdhouse Cinema: Spookies

Behold the worst movie we've watched for WHC, but the monsters are fun...

Before today, I'd be hard pressed to pick a "worst" film from the list of pictures we've watched on Weirdhouse Cinema, but today I have no doubt: It's Spookies.

The year 1986 gave us so many interesting genre films. I mean we're talking Aliens, Big Trouble in Little China, Highlander, Legend, The Fly, The Name of the Rose and so many more that I don't have room to list. Even the less interestingly films like Vamp and Maximum Overdrive are interesting for some of their elements. Spookies at least stands out in such a rich year of releases, but it does so for being a dumb mess with an interesting mix of random monsters.

But still, it's a weird film and a fun film to consume on its own. As usual, we're not really here to discuss how something was made, but to revel in the weirdness and celebrate what works. Let's go ahead and have the episode and the trailer:

That Vinegar Syndrome Blu-ray is worth seeking out on this one, but you can also see it via Shudder or AMC on streaming.

What's up next on Weirdhouse Cinema? I am delighted to tell you that it's the much-beloved Time After Time from 1979. It's currently on HBO Max in the states if you want to watch ahead.

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