WE CAN LIVE! Also, Merry Christmas...
Yes, today's special Christmas Day episode of Weirdhouse Cinema covers 1990’s Robot Jox, directed by horror wizard Stuart Gordon and written by military sci-fi author Joe Haldeman. Join us as we discuss mech politics, champion warfare, The Forever War, Tex Conway and more.
You can stream it right here, or listen to Weirdhouse Cinema every Friday in the Stuff to Blow Your Mind podcast feed, wherever you stream your podcasts. As for the movie itself, it's a bit hard to come by right now. There are some unofficial streams out there, but nothing official that I can find. The DVD is out of print, but we were able to rent it from Atlanta's very own Videodrome.
Happy holidays, everyone. Next Friday's episode of Weirdhouse Cinema will be Not of This Earth (1957), which is far easier to obtain. See you then!