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Semuta Music
May 7, 20211 min read
Weirdhouse Cinema: The Humanoid (1979)
In celebration of Star Wars week, here's a late 70s Italian space opera... It's Star Wars week on STBYM, so we did a couple of episodes...

Semuta Music
Dec 9, 20202 min read
The Holy Armor of Mandalore
"Weapons are part of my religion..." Like many of you, I'm currently all in on The Mandalorian, the story of Din Djarin as he follows his...

Semuta Music
Oct 7, 20203 min read
The Force and the Sensory Brain
Use the force, brain... I've consumed a lot of Star Wars content this year. It's something my son and I can share together, plus the...

Semuta Music
Aug 28, 20204 min read
Clone Wars and the Bicameral Mind
"Good soldiers follow orders." Allow me to refresh everyone on the Clone Wars, that galactic conflict that pitted the Republic against...

Semuta Music
May 28, 20204 min read
Star Wars Music: Four Favorites
Some mixes and mashups from a galaxy far, far away... Ours is a Star Wars household. We just finished watching all the movies with the...
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